“The other side of every fear is freedom.”

Marilyn Ferguson


Susan Jeffers, in her famous book – ‘Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway’- lays down five truths about fear. One of them is: ‘The only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is - to go out and do it.’

How true!

But, then, let me take my own fear of sky diving, bungee jumping, scuba diving. Why go so far... Let me take my fear of driving, swimming or technology. I know, if I have to overcome these fears, I just need to face them - ‘go out and do them’.

Is it, also, not true for every other fear: public speaking, writing exams, facing job interviews, getting married, setting up a business, raising children, juggling with finances or dealing with difficult people etc., etc., etc.?

By now, we have realized this: though every fear can be overcome, if we muster enough courage to face it, in reality, all of us are able to deal with only some of them… Not all.

Is that okay?

It’s perfectly okay… It’s perfectly being human.

Our Prime Minister is great at winning elections and wooing crowds. He is a master orator when it comes to addressing in Hindi. But, in English?

Now, the common sense tells us, that if our P.M. works on that problem (English), he will be, certainly, able to speak fluently in English just as he does in Hindi. But, he has left that zone unattended. Maybe, he feels it’s not worth it. Therefore, life, for him, is fine despite this handicap… He is able to run our country… He is able to  travel (not in pandemic) all across the globe, despite his poor English…

So, you and I, who can communicate significantly better than our Prime Minister (in English), must remember this: there are many fears in our lives which are best left alone. At this age, I have no plans to venture into skydiving, bungee jumping, scuba diving – even driving, swimming and attempting roller-coaster rides.

Are you laughing at my confession?

When I first tied to speak on the telephone I was trembling... I was in college at that time. When I look back, I see myself with kindness…

I was scared to touch the computer keys fearing ‘something bad may happen’… And, it wasn’t many years ago. Yes, when I look back, I see myself with kindness, too.

Fear of public speaking still runs through my veins. This is despite my decades of teaching and training experience. I took up teaching and training not because I was free from the stage fear… But, because, I was terrified by it. So, facing it constantly made me feel confident and good about myself. Yes, I took the plunge when it came to fear of speaking in public. But, I did not do the same when it came to driving, swimming and roller coasters… Leave alone skydiving, bungee jumping and scuba diving.


Some five years ago, my wife and I had been to Kashmir on a vacation. Both of us tried horse-riding and sledging… but, with the local young men or boys controlling our rides. I can still hear my wife screaming hell out of her lungs while sledging down the icy slopes… and, I can still remember the amused young boy, who was in control, calming her down gleefully: ‘Madam, darr ke aage jeet hai!”

Didn’t my wife – otherwise a brave soul – know that truth?

But, there she was… and there we all are… screaming the hell out of our lungs when it comes to some of our fears… Yes, we need some ‘locals’ to calm us down reminding:

‘Sir/Madam, darr ke aage jeet hai’!

Fear is the sign that you and I are alive and human. It’s okay if we are not able to do skydiving or scuba diving till we die… Enough if we are able to face those fears which we have chosen to…

Life can be perfectly fine with that much freedom.

Agreed, the other side of every fear is freedom!




Pic’s: pixabay


Video: Theme Park Funny


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