“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.”

Song of Solomon 2:16


King Solomon from the Old Testament is hailed as ‘the wisest king’. The words cited above, which feature in the Bible (The Old Testament), therefore, must be wise words.

So, the other day, when my friend Joe and his wife Mariette, who live in my hometown Mangalore, came over to invite us for their son Nikhil’s wedding, I sighted King Solomon’s wise words atop the wedding card…

What did Solomon mean?

Meaning of any wise words, always, is as one makes out of them. I do not know what Joe and Mariette – or the young couple Nikhil and Renisha – had made out of those words; but, my little wisdom allows me to make this out:

“I can only love my partner as much as I am able love myself.”

Which means, unless I am able to see the beauty and flaws of my own being and accept them, nurture them, be kind and compassionate towards them, and celebrate them -  how can I make space to accommodate my partner? If I am my own beloved, yes, then only my beloved can me mine.”

I have deliberately removed one of the apostrophes!

Went over the top?

Let it…. Suffice to say this: “We are one”!

Nikhil and Renisha’s wedding date is scheduled for coming Saturday (9th Jan.) and Roce ceremony (like Haldi ceremony) is scheduled for 7th.

Early in the morning, today, Joe had sent me a message:

“Gerry, Mai expired at 12 in the night!”

                                                                               (Joe's Mai)

Before we learnt to call our mothers ‘Mom’, ‘Mummy” or “Mamma”, we had learnt to call her ‘Mai’…

Joe’s Mai and my Mai had a lot in common…

They both had crossed the age 85…

They both had many children…

They both had hard-working, and meager-earning, husbands…

They both struggled endlessly to keep their families afloat… earning some supplementary income like raising a couple of cows at home (whose milk they could sell) or grow some flowers or veggies in their backyard (which they could sell). In the process, all of their children – including Joe and I - too, could grow into fine men and women…

They made us educated…

They enabled us to make our own children even more educated…

Probably, we have succeeded… Probably not!

The wisdom of Solomon, Sir… I doubt it comes with the so called ‘Progress’ or ‘Education’ in life… I really doubt!

Joe, on his way back from office, often, stop his car and visit my Mai. He would spend a lot of time talking to her and try to fill the vacuum of my absence. Sometimes, he would arrange for a sleepover… My Mai would spend a night or two at Joe’s place and come back a lot happier…

I, particularly, remember the final year of our graduation. So many days and nights I would be spending at Joe’s place, studying together… and so many days and nights Joe would be spending at our place. We both had similar financial situation… But, O God! The size and the kindness of our mothers’ hearts!

With literally nothing in hand, they had almost everything!

It’s tough for Joe’s family to deal with the situation at home, now. Wedding is just a heartbeat away… I think, they won’t – and shouldn’t – postpone it. Joe’s Mai would not be happy with that, I am sure. Nikhil and Renisha will, always, have this memory, to keep reminding them of King Solomon’s wise words:

“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.”

As I said, the meaning of any wise words is, always, what we make out of them!

Several years ago, my wife’s cousin, Anil, had died of a heart attack. He was barely 40 and even younger was his wife, Rebecca. They had two small girls. On the day of the funeral, Rebecca was inconsolable. Seven days later, we attended a remembrance Mass, followed by a small gathering at home. Young Fr. Donny, a close relative of Anil, was sitting next to Rebecca’s elderly mom. She was such an affectionate and gracious woman… All the while, she was holding Fr. Donny’s hand with her own wrinkled hand. At one point, she, innocently, made this request to Fr. Donny: “Please come for my funeral, too.”

Fr. Donny, who is known for his wit and wisdom, quickly assured, “Of course, I will.” Then, he, innocently, said to her this: “But, you must let me know the date!”

If marriage is a ‘calling’, the death, too, is one!

Miss you Mai… Rest in Peace, and bless Nikhil and Renisha with ‘wisdom’ above all other things.




Pic's.:1. & 2. pixabay   2. Niyothi Lobo


Video: Celine Dion/MonMonTheWhiteRose


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