not to become a man of success;
become a man of value.”
When I
was a teenager, Rajesh Khanna was the Super Star. If fame, insane fanfare and
box-office collection were the yardsticks to measure a film-star’s success,
then, one had to stop at Rajesh Khanna… He had achieved all of these and was riding
on the crest of success-wave…
But, then, a wave is just a
wave. More than anyone else, Rajesh Khanna knew, that the wave he was riding on
would, soon, crash… Fame and fanfare would, soon, fade away… Just like the
stars in the sky did. Apparently, this realization – that success was transient
– prompted him to keep repeating, with the desired effect, his own dialogue
from the film ‘Daag’ (Brilliantly penned by Sahir Ludianvi)…
“Izzaten, shohraten, chahaten,
koi bhi cheez duniya mein
rahti nahin;
aaj main hoon jahan kal koi
aur tha
aaj main hoon jahan kal koi
aur tha…
Ye bhi ek daur hai woh bhi ek
daur tha.”
beauty of Sahir Ludianvi’s words is,
that it applies to all spheres of life. Rajesh Khanna, the Super Star of the tinsel
world, dominated a space where someone else did before him… and, someone else
did after him! This is an important reality of life, which, even though we all
know well, we go about our lives as if it is not applicable to us… We assume, that
the crest of success-wave we are riding on is a permanent place to be…
The wave crashes, Sir… “Aaj
main hoon jahan kal koi aur tha”…
And, Sir, jahan kal koi aur
pursuit of Success begins quite early in life. All of us want to grow more and
more and more… Achieve more, accumulate more, become more famous and successful.
This phenomenon is intrinsically inbuilt – like a pre-installed software…
My own pursuit began with it…
and, I am sure, yours, too, did.
The more I reflect on this
phenomenon, the more I get convinced, that we all have to cross this path in
order to understand the transient nature of ‘Success’ that we pursue…
The crest is the best place to
do it…
We learn to reinstall the
‘success software’… which, I think, is a good thing!
Let me go back to Rajesh
Khanna’s another famous line. This one is from ‘Anand’:
“Ham sab toh rangmanch ki
kathputliyan hai
jinki dor uparwale ki ungliyon
main bandhi hai.”
Long before Anand said it,
didn’t Shakespeare say it: “All the world’s a stage”?
Pic.: 1. Mike Dawson/fineartamerica.com 2. www.flickr.com