“The strength of a nation lies in the

character of its leaders.”

First among equals


Last year, a young girl was enrolled in our classes when she was in class XI… She was a good student. This year, she was enrolled for class XII, on payment of her part fees, in December itself. Then, in the last week of this April, when we started the class XII, this girl showed up. Almost two weeks into the classes, one morning, the mother of this girl called up, saying, that the girl would discontinue as she had been enrolled at another institute which prepared for Chartered Accountancy entrance alongside class XII. Well, as it’s said, ‘I am only informing you, not consulting you’, this mother had picked up the phone only to ‘inform’ me…

I felt bad for the young girl… Having observed her aptitude and attitude for more than a year, in my mind, she wasn’t the material for Chartered Accountancy. “Sir, it’s her dad’s decision… He was quite adamant,” the mother tried to clarify…

I could hardly do anything, by now. The mother quite nervously whispered, “Sir, can we get a refund, please?”

“Ma’am, you should have consulted me, before taking this decision… There was time, and the classes had already started. Moreover, we had settled for a discounted fee… So, you should understand our position, too…”

This, basically, meant a polite ‘No’ for refund…

The mother did not press, further… The call ended… But, not the ‘discomfort’ in my heart. After all, this was a family that ran on one man’s salary… And, however the man had invited his problem on himself, and however ‘justified’ I was in my stand, something inside me was not allowing me to keep their fees with me… Some days later, I sent the refund, wishing the young girl the very best, and apologizing for the delay…

“Thank you, Sir, for your kind gesture… I am very sorry, if I have hurt you unknowingly and caused inconvenience,” the mother replied…

“Ma’am, please don’t feel bad about causing hurt or inconvenience to me… It’s mutual. Best wishes, again, to your young one.”

“Means a lot, Sir… We will remember your gesture,” the mother closed the conversation…

I wondered: “What would this family have remembered had I stood by my justification of ‘no refund’?”

A thousand times, I have heard from little kids, after carrying out a kind act: “Because, it’s the right thing to do.”


Like these little kids, I had done ‘the right thing’ with this family… and, in return, I had earned an extra pound of respect…

Thomas Edison said, “What a man’s mind can create, man’s character should control.” For, it’s difficult to drop our ‘I am right’ or ‘I deserve’ mindset when we are in a power position… Yes, as the old saying goes, “The character is what we are in the dark.”

In this regard, I, derive a lot of inspiration from Rahul Dravid. Some years ago, he declined an honorary doctorate-degree offered by Bangalore University. While he humbly expressed his gratitude to the authorities, he said, that he would be happy to receive it if he earned it through proper research in the field of sports.

Just a few days ago, David declined the additional 2.5-crore bonus offered to him for being the ‘head coach’ of the victorious Indian cricket team. He wanted to receive the same bonus (2.5-crore) which every other support staff (the batting coach, bowling coach, the fielding coach etc.) was receiving, even though BCCI was paying this additional 2.5-crore to Dravid for being the head coach…

Remember, Dravid had declined such an additional bonus once earlier, too…

It’s tough for us to earn a victory the way Rahul Dravid carved as a head coach of Indian cricket team. But, it’s even tougher for us to earn the respect he keeps earning as a fine gentleman…

He is the quintessential ‘First among equals’…




Pic’s: Wallpaper Access


Videoes: 1. SHOWSHA 2. India Today


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