Like many of my well-wishers, Paul, my friend, too, had sent me B’day wishes, this morning. In the end, he wrote, “I, for one, believe that we should live life as if each day is our B’day.” 

I had said the same thing, so often, to so many before! So, when Paul reminded me of it, this morning, I thought I would reflect on it for a while.

“Do I live my life as if each day of my life is my B’day?”

No sir, I don’t! Honestly, I don’t.

Like all of you guys, out there, I wait for my B’day to come… and, when it comes, I cut the cake, blow the candle and have some special time with my family…

My B’day is on 24th July… I wait for the day to come, to celebrate it!

No matter how old we are… how rich and how poor, how literate or illiterate, how handsome or how ugly… a B’day is a special day for all of us. When someone calls you or message you to greet, it does feel good. You feel young and counted… cared for and honored. And yes, though, sometimes, I pretend before the world that it doesn’t really matter, the truth is – at least in my case - it does. Yes, it does matter. 

So, if my B’day is my special day, so be it. If I am unable to live each day of my life as if it is my B’day… so be it. Maybe, because I am not able to live each day as my B’day, this day looks so special. That is the reason why, I must pause, today, and allow myself to savor all the good wishes sent by my fiends and well-wishers… and, thank God for giving me such a wonderful life, filled with such wonderful dear ones… And, I must reflect on the times I have been ungrateful for such a marvelous privilege… I must sincerely ask God to have mercy on me…

When everyone around you greets you ‘Happy B’day’ or “May God bless you”, it leaves you but humbled!

This life – of fifty-four years of solid gold – has been worth every nano-moment of it!

No regrets for the sins I have committed. God, my most ardent well-wisher, has washed them away… and, given me a million chances to make a fresh start. I hope, I have not let Him down in this regard.

No justification for any hurt or pain I have caused to any one. I have asked them to forgive me… and, if I haven’t been able to, for whatever reason, I do it now with not strings attached. 

Every moment of my life has been coated with gold… and, I can’t thank enough for this blessed opportunity. Even the most troublesome moment, even the most heart-breaking incident, even the most hell-bent tormentor – has been there only for the right reason: to make me a wonderful person… wiser, stronger and saner.  “Thank you; thank you; thank you!”

I have been blessed with a wonderful spouse who keeps me firmly grounded, and who constantly acts as my lighthouse…

Life is all about coming home! 

Isn’t it?

I couldn’t have asked for a better son than the one I am blessed with. They say, “God always gives you what you had missed in your life through your children!”

I can only say, “How true it is!”

If there is heaven on this earth, 

it has to be my home. 

If that is not, 

I doubt, anywhere else it can be!


“Thank you, dears.”

If there is another life for me on this earth, I would plead God to make me a teacher again.  “No, I am not bored, my Lord… Nor tired!” I would tell Him… and, send Him this wish-list:

“Grant me, once again, my Lord, the boon of expression – ‘Vaachas Chame’!

Give me the gift of writing my simple, heartfelt notes of the day…

Give me the same humble parents, the same sane spouse and gifted child…

Give the same – very same – students who I adore so much…

Give me the same friends, and yes, the same enemies… 

But, never forsake me my Lord, when it comes to keeping-up my zest and sense of wonder… 

Never allow, even for a day, to turn bitter about life…

May the same Stars light my hopes… May the same Moon keep my romance on… May the same Sun bring me promise each morn… May the same Rainbows and clouds keep my heart eternally tender and sensitive. 

May there be strength in my sorrows all over again…

May there be steely substance in my setbacks…

May there be someone always waiting for me on the ‘other side’…

May there be my cheerleaders to pep me on…

May there be my heroes to inspire…

May there be those wise ones with their good counsel!

Give me this very life, my Lord… this very life!”

So, another fifty years? 

No, another fifty reasons why I wish God gave me the same life as this one… fifty-four years of solid gold!


Pics.: Sony Ullal


Nitya Joshi said…
Really solid gold! Keep going Gerry. Nitya
Inspiring words... what a way of celebrating one's b'day. Hats off!
... Priya
Anonymous said…
A b'day special!motivating. Binoy
Gerald D'Cunha said…
Thanks Nitya. Love. GERRY
very well written Sir, I too thank God each day for most of the things you have mentioned in yourpost today Sir, I know most people around us just take these things for granted ....I think its a privilege to experience all the beauty, our family, friends, nature, good health etc in our lives ....take care ...Aditi
Gerald D'Cunha said…
Yes Aditi... it is a great privilege as u said. Keep reading and helping. Love. Sir.

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