“The Cobbler, always, wears the worst shoes!” This was the phrase I had first heard from our English teacher in tenth-standard. Almost forty years back, that was! Our teacher had told us - why? “The cobblers are experts in attending to other people’s shoes; but, when it comes to their own, they are miserable… They are too busy, and too poor, to attend to their own shoes!” Then, in the Church, I would hear another Biblical phrase. The Father would decipher the same meaning out of these words of Jesus: “Physician, heal thyself!” “The physician is so busy treating and healing others that he can hardly notice what is wrong with his own body,” the Father would explain to us. “Often, he neither has the willingness nor the capacity to heal his own sickness!” T housands of years have passed since the birth of these phrases… Still, nothing has changed: The Cobblers still wear the wors...