Pic.: Sherry Haridas
“Some people feel
the rain; others just get wet.”
- Bob Marley
Why don’t
we open up easily before others?
Opening up before another person means exposing our
vulnerabilities… and, that’s something very, very scary!
But, then, unless we trust another person and open up,
expose our vulnerability, we really can not feel the closeness… we really can
not build a rock-steady relationship with another human.
Our unpleasant experience comes on the way of our readiness
to open up, become vulnerable… The fear of being perceived weak, fear of being
attacked, coming out hurt, fear of being misunderstood, controlled, manipulated
and even destroyed and so on…
So, even if our hearts prompt us to open up, show our vulnerabilities
to the other person, the mind overpowers us… doubt and fear bring about lack of
trust, and, consequently, we remain in our shells… Closed…
if I give the other person the genuine feeling that I am non-critical, non judgmental
and non-threatening towards him/her… I don’t cut him off, don’t show my
impatience and bias, don’t ridicule, don’t disrespect… and show loads of
acceptance and empathy… Yes, imagine, if I show to the other person this kind
of openness…!
When I show trust and open up, the chances are, always,
high that the other person trusts me… It reduces the guessing mind-game… It, invariably,
dissolves doubt, fear and distrust…
So, as my favorite singer Bob Marley said, “Vulnerability
is the only way… “
Yes, the only way to love and feel loved…
The only way to trust and feel trusted…
The only way to grow stronger in our relationships…
Yes, there is no other way… No other way of becoming
genuine human beings in this world… Even if we, often, conclude that it is a
man-eat-man world…
It is the only way to grow in love in this world!
As I conclude this Post, I would like to find a new meaning
in Bob Marley’s famous statement:
“Some people feel
the rain; others just get wet.”
How can I ‘feel’ the rain unless my heart opens up?
good thing about music,” Marley had also said, “ when it hits you, you feel no pain.”
Yes, let the music of our hearts
hit us… It is divine music!
- Ranjeeet Singh