“A large oak tree is just a little nut
that refused to give up."

David McGee

It’s said, that an Oak tree lives far longer than the gardener who plants it. In fact, that is merely an understatement… For, an average Oak tree may live for 200-300 years, it can also live over 1,000 years! Yes, that’s why they are legends – who have been glorified by poets, songwriters and story-writers.

But, think about it: does not the life of an oak tree begin just the way the lives of other trees do?

There is something in the seed of this tree that makes the tree live an enduring life…

Just as there are horses which are meant to run a long-distance race… Yes, the Lambi race ke ghode!

As Amitabh Bachchan, 77, (and several members of his family) are in the news today after they have been tested Covid positive, the imagery of an Oak tree and a Lambi race ka ghoda, suddenly, flashed before me…

I have been a massive fan of Amitabh Bachchan. I was a high-school boy, when I first watched ‘Bombay To Goa’. Since then, it’s been a long-distance love-affair! Well, as he was fast growing into his, what they call 'senior-citizen' years, I myself am growing to be a 62-year-old ‘senior citizen’ this month. But then, it was he who said so loudly – ‘Buddha Hoga Tera Baap’… Wasn’t he?

My baap died in his fifties… I am still alive; and, mercifully still ‘kicking’. But, I don’t know how long it will be!

An industry where stars fade even before they manage to twinkle for a couple of nights, this ‘star’ managed to shine there alone and bright for so long. If someone says he is an ‘institution’, I say, that’s an educational institution… where young aspiring hearts must learn a lesson or two on the art of being an Oak tree – and, yes, on the art of being a ‘lambi race ka ghoda’

Perhaps, Salim-Javed, the script writes of ‘Deewar’, had an inkling when they wrote that iconic line about the shoe-shine boy at a street corner:

"You have passed many, many grave tests, Sir. I believe, you’ll pass this, too… Your family, too. Like so many out there, I, too, am praying."

Incidentally, as the news of Amitabh Bachchan testing Covid positive was just breaking, I was in the midst of watching this video:

Sir Tom Jones was singing along with those young singing-talents, one-fourth or one-third his age… and, look at the Oak tree, there! His power is concealed in his quiet humility… He had endured so much in his own life… Seen countless stars fading away, unable to shine even for a few nights… Yet, he stayed there like the Pole Star… Like the mighty Oak!

So, you and I – the ‘lesser stars’ – may not be able to stay there shining so long… We may not be able to stay there so strong and long like the Oak. Yes, we may not meant to be ‘Lambi race ke ghode’ . But, I believe, that’s perfectly fine in life… We all are stars, trees and horses in our own right… Yes, stars in our own skies, the trees in our own gardens and horses in our own tracks!

That last song there – ‘I believe’ – was specially written in 1952 to provide hope amid despair… Listen to it once again, and behold the lyrics:

“Every time I hear a new-born baby cry,
Or touch a leaf or see the sky,
I believe, I believe.”


Pic.: Mahima

Videos: 1. Best of The Voice 2. 'Deewar'/Dinesh Kumar Mahale


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