After many years, this morning, I was reading the little-classic on inspiration by Spencer Johnson – ‘Who Moved My Cheese?’ I have read this book so many times before; but, one thing, invariably, has happened to me – and it has happened today, too – is this: I close the book and walk into a silence when I come across this writing-on-the-rock by little-fellow, Haw: “When you move beyond your fear, you feel free.”
In life, we not only resist change, but, we also
fear it. We work so very hard, and for so, so long… that we can live well in
the future – with a decent lifestyle, a sound financial security, good health,
peace at home, stable relationships, love and care of our nearest ones. Yes, we
all strive to build security and stability in life… and, then, we guard it so fiercely,
that even a slight change would send scare through our hearts…
“No, why should I lose my money… my job… my
health… my dearest one… my happiness?” we ask in denial…
Yes, like Haw and Hem in ‘Who Moved My cheese?’, we
humans ask, invariably, the same question, angrily: “Who Moved My Cheese?”
The ‘Cheese’ is a great metaphor, here… It is
what we all had worked for, so hard and so long… Our jobs, bank balance,
property, name, fame and position, the relationships, health and happiness…
Yes, all these attachments in life…
We had worked too hard to gain them… So, how can
anyone take them away from us?
In the book, the two little mice – Sniff and
Scurry, did not waste time in denial or anger. The day they did not find the cheese
bits around the fridge, they just moved out of that Cheese Station… Out into
the unknown world - there, to find cheese at a new Cheese Station… and, soon, they
did find it. But, Haw and Hem – you and me – waited, reacted, blasted: “Who
Moved My Cheese? Put it back in the fridge, and now!”
But, then, in humans, too, there are two kinds –
the ‘Haws’ and the ‘Hems’.
The Haws, after spending some time in denial,
decide to move out into the ‘Maze’ – the unknown, uncertain world outside - in
search of new Cheese Stations… It is scary, yes. But, they realize that that’s
the only way to go about life and feel strong and free…. They realize that in
such a journey – along the search for new Cheese Stations – they are able to gather fine wisdom…
Yes, the Haws chisel out those insights on the rocks,
along their path… and, just move on… It is for the Hems who are still stuck,
back at the empty Cheese Stations… Perhaps, they might realize their stupidity,
soon, and walk out into the Maze as the Haws did…
Perhaps, the writing-on-the-rocks
might be of
When I come
to the rock that reads: “When you move beyond your fear, you feel free.”… Yes,
when I reach here, I pause… walk into a deep silence…
I feel the freedom!
Pic.: Vimmi Batra
- Suma
---- Ishta