Pic.: Akshay Puri I f I have to choose two simple things – the wayside things as I call them – I had come across, today, which made me smile and feel a little better, they would be these: 1. An old anecdote shared by Chaitra Rao from Manipal in one of the Reader's Digest issues (LIFE’S LIKE THAT), and, today, shared on FB by one of my friends, Nisha Nair. 2. A random click by another friend of mine, Akshay Puri. First, the anecdote… “When my mothers’ breakfast upma repeatedly failed to meet dad’s expecting standards, he sat her down and explained the fundamentals: the importance of right amount of water, the timing, and how his mother used to dish out great upma in 15 minutes flat… It worked for us anyway. Since then, we have been having good, steaming-hot upma every Saturday morning. Only the cook has changed… Dad has to make it!” I was at the dining table, having my Saturday-...