Pic.: Udit Bharaddwaj
There was an interesting story from Kannan today in our
Tai Chi class.
In a certain village, there lived this
Master and his disciple. The disciple’s devotion and love for his Master was
unconditional and total… When faced with any challenge in life, he would
sincerely evoke the name of his Master and succeed.
One day, this disciple found himself
stranded near a river. He closed his eyes and, with all his devotion, evoked
the name of his Master… Then, he stepped on the water and simply walked across
the river.
The Master, who was on the other side of the
river, couldn’t believe his eyes… None of his disciples had ever exhibited such
a power ever before. His heart swelled with pride and he asked his disciple: “How
did you do it?”
“Master, I just had to evoke your name,”
replied the disciple with humility.
“Is that so?” the Master couldn’t contain
his pride, “now, let me show you what your Master can do.”
The moment he stepped on the water, the Master
went down!
Kannan added, “Gerry, your teachers taught
you several things… But, did they teach you how to weave the thoughts and put
them in your daily blog? The students will and should surpass their Masters…
and a true Master will rejoice in his pupil’s success with grace and humility.
Pride and arrogance come from our false ego and they bring our fall too.”
Kannan took me to The Mahabharata. “Parashurama
was a filthy-rich man. One fine day, he decided to give away everything he had possessed.
So, when Drona came to him, Parashurama had no material thing left with him
except his waist cloth. Thus, the great Parashurama, who was taught by Shiva the
supreme art of archery and warfare, decided to teach earnest Drona all that he
knew. Drona went on to become his Master’s worthy disciple and surpassed even.
The legacy was passed on to Arjuna by Drona.” Kannan concluded “ When a student
does better than his Master, the true Master rejoices.”
When I heard this story, scores and sores of
my teachers came before my mind... and thousands of my students, too. I could see so many
of my students ‘walking on water’… and I could, also, see what was happening
in my heart!