Last evening, I was sitting in my friend Sundar's third-floor-house. The hall room, in which we were sitting, had full-size French windows extending into the outside porch, where they had raised a small garden, with several plants. We were chit-chatting , sitting there, till eight in the night. I asked Sundar, all of a sudden:

"Sundar, you have kept your windows full open like this. There are so many plants there just outside, and there aren't any protective nets ... How come there isn't a single mosquito, here?"

"I don't know," Sundar told me, casually, "It has been, always, like this, here. We love to keep our door and windows all open."

"Don't tell me. At our place, we have to keep the windows closed before it gets dark. Even then, and even after spraying and switching on the repellents in every room, the mosquitoes harass us," I told him.

He laughed, "The repellents are supposed to repel; but, what an irony! They attract!"

I was curious to know why was his house free from mosquitoes, even though the evenings were mildly cold, and even though there was a garden just outside his large, open windows. I pressed him to be serious.

"Probably, as you approach each evening, you must be fearing the mosquitoes. What you fear, always, manifests," Sundar said. He added, " You must be, sub-consciously, 'expecting' them ... So, they show up. As much as the truth goes: 'What you love, your attract', truth also goes: 'What you repel, you attract'."

Well, I was quite aware of this famous law called - 'The Law of Attraction', ever since I was a toddler (Didn't my mom respond promptly, each time, as a baby, I screamed and squealed ... either by feeding me or yelling?). Yet, I did not realise, that it applied while dealing with mosquitoes, too!

"My Master tells us, with all his gentleness: 'Even if you are sitting in your closed-door, air-conditioned room on the 28th floor of the building, the 'rats and the snakes' WILL appear ... if you keep thinking about them, all the time. Every thing is manifested twice - Once you manifest it here, in your mind, and then, the Universe will manifest it there outside," Sundar quoted his Master.

The rats fear snakes, while the snakes love rats. And, we fear both rats and snakes.!

And, how beautifully 'The Law of Attraction' operates! Yes, the Universe 'loves' to create - manifest - for us, all that we fear and love!

On my way back home, I met Rohan, my student. He said, "Sir, have you watched this DVD?"

It was the famous DVD on the same law - 'The Law of Attraction'.

I had watched it, and also read the book version of it. So, I replied, "Yes, Rohan."

"How did you find it? Many of my friends are raving about it. So, I thought I should buy one, though it is very expensive," Rohan explained.

"It is worth it, Rohan," I endorsed.

For years, I must have spent a 'bomb' on every possible spray and a repellent, both at my workplace as well as my residence, trying to keep away these 'silly' mosquitoes, but unsuccessfully. I did not know, till last evening - and till my friend 'revealed' to me the 'SECRET'- that, 'The Law of Attraction' is simply there ... in operation, silently. Whether manifesting those 'silly' mosquitoes, or those 'mighty' mansions!

But, I have no desire to 'bottle up' this universal potion and sell.

And, I don't think either Sundar or his Master do!



Sundar said…
yeah gerry...thoughts are the creator of our worlds...the key aspect however is whence these thoughts come from? we do not create them..if we were the creators we would know what our next thought would be...and we give so much imporatnce to my mind, your mind etc when it is merely a concept.We tune in to thoughts from the unconscious and react to them from teh depths of our conditioning..wAtching our thoughts and declutching ourselves is the way out of this jungle where we are mechanized puppets operating out of the depths of our conditionings.
Gerald D'Cunha said…
Thanks Sundar for the rejoinder.
Sitting around you is like sitting under the 'Bodhi Tree'!



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