and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find…
knock, and the door will be opened unto you.”
One of the
simple realities of life is that none of us, here, knows everything. So, we
need to seek help from others… be sincere, humble and teachable. Only then, as
Jesus Christ said, will we be given… Only then will we find… And, yes, only
then will the door be opened unto us.
So many people seek help from me every day… help
of different kinds… as I seek it from so many of them everyday. And, yes, none
of us has all the answers, all the help they seek from us… Even then, we do help
each other: we connect each other to the right people we know. Others do it for
us; and we do it for others.
Just some twenty minutes back, one of my dear
well-wishers, who is a college lecturer, called me. Recently, she was operated
on her shoulders, as a result of which, she has now difficulty writing on the
black/white board in her college. For years, she has been using the board, and,
now, she, suddenly, finds herself helpless. So, she is now exploring the use of
a projector and a laptop while teaching. This is a skill she is not familiar
with, but, wants to learn.
“Sir, can you help me?” my friend asked me in all
her earnestness.
“Oh yes, I can,” I instantly offered to help her…
I put her in touch with another dear friend of
mine, who was an ‘expert’ in training others in Presentational Skills.
I couldn’t help the lady on my own… No, I am not
good at the technology use in the class room. But, my other friend is. The
other friend has sought my help several times before on various other issues
which I was good at, and, I have reached out to this friend gladly and
promptly… All that the friend had to do was: to ask, to seek… and, yes, to
knock… The help was always there… one knock away from the door!
And, today, when I asked this friend of mine for
a small help for another ‘seeking soul’, he was there all ready to help, gladly
and promptly… and, yes, just outside the door!
People don’t
ask enough… Don’t seek enough… Don’t knock enough…
They hesitate, shy away from asking…
Then, they don’t receive, don’t find… the door
remains closed for them, always!
That’s how it was when Jesus Christ said this two
thousand years ago… That’s how it is
when I say it, now…
And, that’s how it shall be for thousands of
years to come.
Pic.: Neetu Sharma Sachdeva
---- Punit