flower does not use words to announce its arrival
to the
world; it just blooms.”
said to me, today: “You are a very humble person.”
I felt very good… very proud!
Then, a thought crossed through
my mind: “Why am I feeling so proud on being called ‘a humble person’? Is my
humility a concealed pride?”
Honestly, I do not know what ‘a
humble person’ means. Yes, I try to present myself, often, as an unassuming
person - one who has less airs about himself…
I try to downplay my achievements… Do not like to do a lot of self-promotion…
But, despite all these ‘noble’
things, I seriously think, that true humility is a distant goalpost for me. I
love the ideal of humility; but, when I try to get there, something comes on my
way… and pride takes over!
Think about it: Every human
being on this planet is able to only ‘duplicate’ – copy – what Nature has
already created. Man cannot ‘create’ anything original… Be it art, literature, music,
architecture, photography, motion pictures – whatever. At best, he can only be
a ‘master duplicator’, not a ‘master creator’… Never!
So much for our talents and
skills… So much for our pride!
So, this person, today, after beholding
something I had just ‘created’, exclaimed it as a ‘masterpiece’. Then, he ‘crowned’
me as a ‘very humble person’!
Deadly intoxication!
The more I accept the tag,
that I am a very humble person, the more I feel the need to shed my pride over it.
Humility should not be a concealed pride, Sir… Only Man likes to pride over his
arrival to the world… A flower doesn’t… It just blooms!
I, being Man, find it
difficult to bloom quietly…
So, I ask: ‘A humble person’…
What is that?
Pic’s: pixabay
Video: OWN