If God gives me another birth,
I will plead Him to make me as sensitive as I am, today.
“It is okay, if I bleed the way I do, O Lord,” I will tell Him,
“But, make me as sensitive as You have made me, today”
If God gives me another birth,
I will plead Him to give me the same joys and same sorrows that I have had, here…
Same friends and same enemies, same love and same heartbreaks.
“Lord, give me the same heart and same mind,” I will tell Him,
“But, fill them with the same content with which you have filled them, today.”
If God gives me another birth,
I will ask for the same parents, same brothers, same wife and same son…
And, yes, I will ask for the same longings with which I die, today.
“Give me the same passion, same poems, same beholders, O Lord,” I will pray,
“Give me the same marvels, same mysteries and same awe for
Your wonders around me.”
Your wonders around me.”
If God gives me another birth,
I will plead Him to keep me as simple as I am, today…
As human and sincere as I try to be, now.
I will say, “Give me, O Lord, the same magic power
To touch lives –
To touch lives –
As a teacher, as a friend, as a father or husband or as someone’s well-wisher…
Yes, as you have blessed me to do, today.”
If God gives me another birth,
I will ask Him to give me the same insecurities, and same hopes…
“My Lord, have mercy on me,” I will still pray.
“Heaven is too far and Hell is too hot,” I will plead before Him,
“Give me the same Life on this Earth… kissed by Your very same breath.”